MacoopA Community
Our Mission
Our goals are short, medium and long term to bring about sustainable change in our community.
Our Vision
MacoopA offers its members all over the world innovative services in lifting up our community presence.
Unser Ziel
MacoopA account dient als a tool with which every member is proud of being part of MacoopA Community.

We take care of our Community with solidarity services.
Solidarity Support
As an Account Holder you are committed to the community and MacoopA is also committed to you in the community where the virtue of solidarity meet reciprocity.
Social Security
Account Holders of MacoopA Account have different schemes to plan for the future in the Community where every member is sure of community solidarity.
Community Projects
Account Holders of MacoopA Account are able to benefit and participate in community projects. As a member, you have the opportunity to support the community effectively.
We provide our Community Services to MacoopA Members
To benefit from our Community Services, you need just to be a member of MacoopA.
Account Holders Expected
Expected Projects Value
Expected Job Creation
Expected Enterprises